You are here: Home PROGRAMME Events BOOK: Giving and Taking, How to Cope with Greed Culture
13:00 - 14:00

Het Nieuwe Instituut Café

BOOK: Giving and Taking, How to Cope with Greed Culture

Giving and Taking is a collected effort to establish the significance of the so-called non-pecuniary value of art and society. In the broadest sense of these terms: what is art about and after? With contributions from Peter Sloterdijk, Michel Hénaff, Zygmunt Bauman, Joris Luyendijk and many others.


The participants of this book were asked: Imagine that you are allowed to speak for your entire discipline, what is your vision of what goes beyond pecuniary or other measurable value in your domain of the arts & sciences. What is the drive that makes for our solidarity?

Markets and money are such crude measures when it comes to establishing the value of art and feeling.What exactly is being valued in the financial approach to art, and what is overlooked? Giving and Taking explores the layer of solidarity that exists between the participants of our world economy that nobody seems to address anymore, because we are blinded by the strict, formal axiomatics of money.

If we need an answer to what the real value in society and in art is – and we need that answer urgently – why not ask philosophers, anthropologists, aestheticians, sociologists and others who have proven to be part of the same quest?

This book presents an open-minded quest that does not want to be lured into one trail of thought only, but wants to move through a network of discourses in order to find the way out towards, or maybe back into, a society that is not predatory, parasitic or bluntly indifferent for what it destroys, but lives by standards and values that art is and has always been all about.

Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Sjoerd van Tuinen, V2_Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam. Contributions from: Peter Sloterdijk, Michel Hénaff, Zygmunt Bauman, Joris Luyendijk.

TV lunch

During the TV Lunch on Saturday 24 May Sjoerd van Tuinen, one of the authors, will elaborate on the book.

Buy Book

During DEAF2014 the book will be for sale in the bookshop of Het Nieuwe Instituut.

Price: €14,50


BOOK: Giving and Taking, How to Cope with Greed Culture