You are here: Home English PROGRAMME Performances JD LaRue & Furillo (System Steady)
Het Nieuwe Instituut, Foyer

JD LaRue & Furillo (System Steady)

Characters from an American police series from the eighties have now become DJs, DEAF2014 presents: JD LaRue & Furillo.

His taste in music by others is continually widening, his own record choices however are slowly becoming more focused. Expect ska, rocksteady and early reggae from JD LaRue. external link

Furillo plays a mix of the styles he picked up through the years. His main concern still lies with the thought off his ex-wife showing up during a gig. Furillo, also a big fan of musicals, will stick to dub, reggae and jungle.

Performances, overview


Saturday 24 May    
21:00 - 05:00        
Het Nieuwe Instituut, Foyer            
€ 10 / Tickets (full programme)

JD LaRue & Furillo (System Steady)